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Global group of women religious superiors calls for March 22 day of prayer

UISG leader speaks on interculturality, increase of sisters on Vatican committees

Meet the new sisters panel for the third year of The Life

Global Sisters Report awarded two grants for coverage of women religious

Global Sisters Report celebrates five years

Remembering Sr. Janet Gildea

UISG, LCWR leaders discuss clergy sex abuse, and the credibility of religious life

Sisters work against human trafficking

Sisters mark Human Trafficking Awareness Day

In a year of anguish, GSR offered stories of hope and courage

Hilton foundation approves next phase in funding Catholic sisters' development

August 22, 2018

August 21, 2018

August 20, 2018

August 17, 2018

August 16, 2018

August 15, 2018

August 10, 2018

August 13, 2018

August 10, 2018