Magda Bennásar

Maria Magdalena Bennásar (Magda) of the Sisters for Christian Community is from Spain. Studies in theology gave her a foundation for the charism of prayer and ministry of the word with an emphasis on spirituality and Scripture: teaching, conducting retreats and workshops, creating community and training lay leaders in Australia, the U.S. and Spain. Currently, she is working on eco-spirituality and searching for a space to create a center or collaborate with others.

María Magdalena Bennásar (Magda), de las Hermanas para la Comunidad Cristiana, es española. Sus estudios de teología le dieron una base para el carisma de la oración y el ministerio de la palabra con un énfasis en la espiritualidad y las Escrituras: enseñando, dirigiendo retiros y talleres, creando comunidad y formando líderes laicos en Australia, EEUU y España. Actualmente, trabaja en la eco-espiritualidad y busca un espacio para crear un centro o colaborar con otros.

By this Author

Mary of Magdala, the lighthouse who guides us

The 6th day: One voice, one community

Ana's Cathedral

My experience with Global Sisters Report

A new paradigm knocks at our door

What does Yahweh-Jesus-Allah say about conflicts among God's people?

Looking for a tent of refuge in the desert of our times

'She, on the other hand' remains a groundbreaking gesture

We thank you, Miriam of Magdala, as our community flourishes

Let's synchronize our hearts for inner and world peace

A new movement: Sharing ministries in the Community of Magdala

The trace of the perfume: from the table to the garden

Nature in our lives, in the cathedral, in the house of human rights

Baptism works slowly and spirally