Under Scalabrinian Sr. Marivane Chiesa's leadership, the Bienvenu Shelter in Johannesburg is a safe space where women not only find refuge but also gain access to resources that lead them toward self-sufficiency.
"This award reinforces the importance of my mission and inspires me to continue advocating for the rights and dignity of all individuals," Naddaf said.
In Goa, India, Canossian Sr. Grasy Rodrigues organizes human trafficking awareness campaigns in hotels, colleges, villages, schools and slums, as well as helps rehabilitate rescued trafficking victims.
Sr. Anne Victory is one of the three laureates of the 2024 Sisters' Anti-Trafficking Awards. She received the Servant Leadership Award for excellence in network building, and spoke about her efforts to end human trafficking.
"Many women religious throughout the world work on this issue because of the reality of hundreds of children's lives destroyed by the powers of war, violence and aggression," said Sr. Nancy Brown.
Global Sisters Report spoke to Sr. Agnes Lucy Lando on how a cohort of African Catholic sisters led by the Women Faith Leaders Fellowship resulted in a book about sisters serving in non-Catholic institutions.
Sr. Delna Rose joined the Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate in 1999. She has spent 16 years of her religious life working in the "home mission," the main apostolate of her congregation.
Sr. Monique Bourget, a member of the Sisters of St. Marcelina, has used her master's in epidemiology and doctorate in public health to transform primary care in São Paulo, Brazil.