In my work for ecology in my religious community, I can become depressed and want to give up. Why fight a losing battle? But to a small degree, we are acting with hope for creation, and we have seen some progress.
My grandniece, Kate, felt an urge to create an image of Mary that would be more historically accurate. She wanted an image that would capture her culture and speak to a broader base of people.
Being on pilgrimage to Rome during the second session of the synod of synodality taught me that stretching the boundaries belongs to all of us, in friendship with the principal protagonist —the Holy Spirit.
At the heart of the Christmas story is God's gift to us — his only Son. The question we might ask ourselves is: Can we embrace the hope he offers us, making it real in our lives, and sharing it with others?
The world in which I live is fast-paced and loud. Connections with some meaning are rare. Seeing, hearing, knowing and listening often don't factor into the day-to-day reality.