August 6, 2014

“And as a nation we have no greater responsibility than to bring the nuclear era to a close. Our present policies, plans and postures governing nuclear weapons make us prisoner still to an age of intolerable danger. We cannot at once keep sacred the miracle of existence and hold sacrosanct the capacity to destroy it. We cannot hold hostage to sovereign gridlock the keys to final deliverance from the nuclear nightmare. We cannot withhold the resources essential to break its grip, to reduce its dangers. We cannot sit in silent acquiescence to the faded homilies of the nuclear priesthood. It is time to reassert the primacy of individual conscience, the voice of reason and the rightful interests of humanity.”

- Gen. George Lee Butler (Ret. 1994), former Commander-in-Chief of the United States Strategic Command Offutt Air Base, Neb., from an essay published in Resurgence & Ecologist magazine. Butler was responsible for U.S. strategic nuclear forces. Click here to read some of his addresses on the subject of nuclear disarmament.

Read Two energies unleashed: One destructive, one relevatory by Jan Cebula in GSR Today, marking the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and the Feast of the Transfiguration.