Adrian Dominican Sisters Decry Acts of Violence in the Holy Land and in the United States


Adrian Dominican Sisters Decry Acts of Violence

in the Holy Land and in the United States

 November 3, 2023, Adrian, Michigan The General Council of the Adrian Dominican Sisters, on behalf of Sisters and Associates, issued the following statement decrying acts of violence and terrorism in the Holy Land, as well as resulting words of hatred and acts of violence in the United States.

As Christian women of faith who share common ancestors in Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar with our Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters, our hearts ache at the horrors of terrorism and war that continue to ravage the lives of innocent children, women, and men in the Holy Land. We pray daily that a nonviolent solution may be found to bring lasting peace and security to all of God’s people in the region, a safe return of the hostages, and an end to unfathomable suffering.

We are alarmed at the anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic language and acts of violence that are being reported around our country. May all of us in our Abrahamic faith traditions turn to the profound call to honor the inherent dignity of all persons, made as we are in the image and likeness of God. Our Christian tradition calls us further – to love one another.

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Members of the Adrian Dominican Sisters General Council are Sisters Elise D. García, OP, Prioress; Bibiana “Bless” Colasito, OP, and Frances Nadolny, OP, General Councilors; Lorraine Réaume, OP, Vicaress and General Councilor; and Corinne Sanders, OP, General Councilor.

The Dominican Sisters of Adrian, a Congregation of nearly 400 vowed women religious and about 180 Associates, traces its roots back to St. Dominic in the 13th century. The Sisters minister in 21 states, the Dominican Republic, Norway, and the Philippines. The Congregation’s Vision is to “seek truth, make peace, reverence life.”