Nun Run: 5K, 1 mile, and Community Service Fair

The 10th Annual Nun Run 5K, 1-Mile, and Community Service Fair will be held on February 3, 2024 at La Reina High School & Middle School in Thousand Oaks. The proceeds benefit local and global outreach including: the homeless, immigrants, human trafficking survivors, and recipients of our healthcare and eldercare services.

The Nun Run has welcomed over 5000 participants, including numerous school and youth teams. Event sponsorships underwrite costs for low-income children and families to participate in the event. These families are registered through their school's athletic programs or their non-profit housing provider. In addition, nonprofit organizations are offered a booth free of charge in our Community Service Fair in order to share information and volunteer opportunities. In addition to the onsite 5k and 1 mile run, the Nun Run hosts a virtual mileage challenge where supporters from around the world can log their miles. 

We invite Sisters, friends, and supporters from around the world to join us in celebrating "10 Years of Nun-Stop Fun".