Doreen Ajiambo

Doreen Ajiambo is the Africa/Middle East correspondent for Global Sisters Report based in Kenya. She covers the missions and ministries of Catholic women religious and writes about humanitarian and environmental issues across sub-Saharan Africa that affect the people they serve. Her previous work has been published by Religion News Service, Catholic News Service, Refugees Deeply, USA Today and the Global Post, among other outlets.  

By this Author

Over 25 years, ASEC programs to educate sisters have evolved

ASEC uplifts 'entire communities' in Africa in 25 years of educating sisters

Sisters in Africa work to prevent the spread of mpox virus

'Refugees in their own land': Kenyans experience homelessness due to severe floods

Forced into scamming, trafficking survivors in Zambia recover with sisters' help

Q&A with Sr. Janefrancis Kinyuy, who provides a home for Cameroon's displaced children

New media-training project empowers Kenya's sisters to tell their own stories

Sisters in Kenya shelter infants born of incest and high maternal mortality

Sisters attend Hilton convening in Zambia to network, share best practices

Sisters make pilgrimage to Martyrs Shrine in Uganda

Sisters throughout Africa make pilgrimage to shrine for martyrs in Uganda

Q&A with Sr. Amala Ranee Santiago on caring for hard of hearing children in Sierra Leone

Sisters convene in Uganda to share best practices, fundraising tips for ministries

Catholic leaders and sisters rescue child survivors of sexual violence in Sierra Leone

Q & A with Sr. Angela Mbalu Bangura, provincial superior for 3 countries

Sisters provide lifesaving assistance to drought victims in Zambia

Sisters train to advocate for Malawi's displaced cyclone survivors

In Sierra Leone, Catholic sisters support Ebola survivors who face stigma

Africa cries out for 'loss and damage' funds to combat effects of climate change

Sisters among those attending Talitha Kum leadership training