Soli Salgado

Soli Salgado is the international editor of the Global Sisters Report. Previously she was the Latin America correspondent and has reported from 13 countries for GSR and NCR, covering mostly migration, human trafficking, and Nuns & Nones. Born in Buenos Aires and raised in Wichita, Kansas, Soli graduated from the University of Kansas in 2013 with degrees in journalism, English, and Spanish, and joined NCR as a Bertelsen intern in 2015. Big loves include illustration, yoga, reading, travel and presidential history.

By this Author

Sr. Mercedes Casas Sánchez to LCWR: Future of religious life requires 'space for hope'

Monday Starter: Sr. Joan Brown makes the case for divesting from fossil fuels

Q & A with Sr. Gloria Inés Gonzales Ramírez, shifting Haiti's educational paradigm

Frontera: Where the limits of a wall and the promise of the unknown intersect

As newly arrived immigrants move beyond US-Mexico border, sisters are there to help

Monday Starter: Meet the LCWR candidates for leadership

Sr. Maureen Fay, pioneer in Catholic higher education, dies at 87

Campaign aims to keep seafarers' livelihoods afloat during coronavirus hardships

Monday Starter: Latin American religious leaders to convene in August

Monday Starter: 1,000 sisters on the frontlines receive $1,000 each

Monday Starter: US sister groups 'strongly oppose' moves to restrict voting rights

Sisters say Biden's first 100 days are a good start overall, but not on immigration

Monday Starter: Sisters respond to LCWR's call at the US-Mexico border

Millions of renters owe billions of dollars. Sisters are doing what they can to help

CARA study shows how religious communities welcome increasingly diverse members

Lack of US plan for asylum-seekers tempers hope among migrants, advocates

Virtual anti-trafficking conference includes testimonies, calls to action

US sisters strive to keep community during yearlong COVID-19 lockdown

Q & A with Sr. Liz Engel, placing children in adoptive families rather than foster care

Sr. Norma Pimentel at center of new documentary on migration