Sr. Judith Ann Schaeffer is a member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration, St. Joseph Province. She earned her doctorate in clinical/counseling psychology from Loyola University Chicago. Her 40-year practice has included psychotherapy, assessment, and supervision of interns and residents. Her latest ministry has been at Franciscan Community Counseling Inc. in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Her interests include developmental stages and processes of psychological growth as well as transference phenomena.

La Hna. Amaya Hernández, de Madrid, España, forma parte de la Orden de San Agustín desde el año 1988, sirviendo en diversas comunidades en España, Perú y EE. UU., donde reside actualmente. Durante algún tiempo, en su comunidad en España, estuvo dedicada a la acogida de peregrinos en el Camino de Santiago y a realizar actividades artísticas como pintar y trabajar la madera. 

Sister Florence is a Good Shepherd sister in Myanmar. She ministers and works in a shelter for women and girls suffering from different kinds of domestic violence. She requested that her last name and photo not be used to protect her identity.