Vee L. Harrison is an award-winning journalist from Chicago's West Side. Her work appears in publications across the entire nation, covering and highlighting Black culture and Black narratives. She is the principal owner of Vee L. Harrison Communications. 

La Hna. Marlene Quispe es miembro de la comunidad de hermanas agustinas del Monasterio de la Encarnación en Lima, Perú, en donde  se desempeña como coordinadora de la pastoral catequética y social Puente de Comunión.

Ester Machekera of the Congregation of the Missionary Daughters of Calvary is currently the postulant director for her congregation. She holds a diploma in counseling from Connect College and a bachelor's degree in business management and information technology from the Catholic University of Zimbabwe. She comes from a large, close-knit farming family. 


Maddie LaForge is a writer, educator and spiritual director. She holds a Master of Divinity from Santa Clara University's Jesuit School of Theology. Maddie enjoys writing about exploration and discovery of the Spirit in life's extraordinary adventures. You can read about the journey on her blog.