Scripture for Life: Our world is in desperate need of listeners, of people who can approach the violent with a kiss and who can receive revelation from very different points of view.
Scripture for Life: Our world is in desperate need of listeners, of people who can approach the violent with a kiss and who can receive revelation from very different points of view.
Scripture for Life: Jesus insists that God is reigning in the universe. He promises that we can get caught up in God's reigning if only we are open to do so.
Scripture for Life: Today's Liturgy of the Word is a not-so-subtle call to live as a new creation. Instead of cowering in the storm, we can be people of the Resurrection — and discover how whirlwinds can blow us into deeper faith.
Scripture for Life: In Jesus' vision of God's reign, the measure of every action and relationship rests simply on how it fosters or impedes love and human thriving.
Scripture for Life: With each communion, we repeat our own "I do," to the invitation to strengthen our blood bond with one another and with God, to the invitation to share in the very life of God.
Scripture for Life: The liturgy for the Vigil of Pentecost invites us into hope. Unlike the miracle of the tongues we will hear the next day, this is an invitation to dream.
Scripture for Life: We've heard the call to love one another, perhaps too frequently. But Christ's love is what the readings of the Sixth Sunday of Easter call forth from us and this call is likely to make us uncomfortable.
Scripture for Life: The Sundays of Easter celebrate the resurrection and the union with God that Christ always offers — with or without our knowing it.