What it's like to work in anti-racism and equity

Good Shepherd Volunteer Celina Kim Chapman interviews Good Shepherd Services' Celia Ceballos. (GSR screenshot)

Good Shepherd Volunteer Celina Kim Chapman interviews Good Shepherd Services' Celia Ceballos. (GSR screenshot)

Over the last year, more and more companies have been hiring specialists to oversee the implementation of diversity, equity and inclusion throughout their organizations. This type of work assures that hiring practices are fair, that promotions and treatment of employees are equitable, and that the work done within the organization reflects the people being served. I am a Good Shepherd Volunteer working for Good Shepherd Services' anti-racism and equity department, aiding in the essential tasks of dismantling racism and instilling multiculturalism throughout the agency.

This type of a position in a service-year setting is unique and almost brand-new. Most positions offer frontline work, like being a teacher or aiding in community relations, but this position is about supporting the people who do that work. It's about creating a system that better allows for employees in this field to feel like their work is rooted in a commitment to social justice and institutional change. I may work from home and I may not see or directly work with the hundreds of children and families who are victims of the system, but I am the one pushing for such a system to change.

In the following video, I show you three projects I'm working on and give you an in-depth look of some of my daily tasks. I also interview my supervisor, mentor and boss, Celia Ceballos, on how she describes the work she does and why it matters. Though some of my tasks seem like typical office work or may not reflect immediate disruption to our institutions, it is work that contributes to a larger team of people also working for such change.

If you are interested in finding out more (because I was only able to talk about three projects), comment on the video, and I would be glad to make a Part 2.

This story appears in the Notes from the Field feature series. View the full series.

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