Carol Glatz

By this Author

Fight against trafficking must include combating its crimes online, advocate says

Vatican warns of potential religious freedom violation in court case

Pope accepts resignation of bishop acquitted of rape, nun files appeal

Challenges must be fought with weapon of charity, pope tells Sisters of Social Service

Before her murder by insurgents, Italian nun called niece for prayers

New film on Mother Teresa seeks to put 20th-century saint back in spotlight

In note to nuns, pope says he is doing everything he can for Ukraine

Talitha Kum offers virtual tour of nuns helping trafficking survivors

Bishops must be good listeners, says nun at Vatican who helps select them

Vatican releases pope's message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Religious orders must handle their assets with care, Pope Francis says

Best way to prevent trafficking is to end conflicts, Talitha Kum coordinator says

Safer spaces: Protecting the dignity of consecrated people

Pope blesses nun held captive nearly five years by insurgents in Mali

Nun slain by three teenagers in satanic sacrifice beatified as martyr

Religious orders vow pandemic will never deter care for vulnerable people

Speakers: A church inclusive of women is more synodal

Pope: Markets need regulation to promote justice, not special interests

Caring for children: Religious sisters launch global push for reform

Spotlight needed on abuse in women's orders, says Jesuit journal