Susan Rose Francois

Susan Rose Francois is the assistant congregation leader for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. She is co-editor of the forthcoming book Reseeding Religious Life through Global Sisterhood.  Read more of her work on her blog, At the Corner of Susan and St. Joseph.

By this Author

My thought experiment on religious life

Re-membering history is painful, but necessary

Standing on the shoulders of the women who went before us

Embrace a good and beloved view of yourself and the world

On turning 50: Milestones and diagnostics

We all need a 'reset' button

Standing with today's Josephs, who seek asylum to protect their families

Embrace chaos and choose joy

Freedom for the emerging future

Creating a generational remix for mission

Inhale, exhale, transform

Digging into the roots of my racialized childhood

Inaugurating beloved-ness

Election night, before and after, we must build common ground

Lessons in quicksand

Monica Lewinsky, social sin and me

Lament and love — becoming anti-racist

Pandemic ponderings: How will we be different?

A genuinely human Lent

Love in action in Haiti