Chris Herlinger

Chris Herlinger is international correspondent to Global Sisters Report and also writes on humanitarian and international issues for NCR. He has reported from South Sudan and Darfur, Sudan, as well as numerous other locales, including Haiti, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Kenya and Ethiopia and Liberia. He is the co-author, with Paul Jeffrey, of books on Haiti and Darfur, published by Seabury, and a third, on global hunger, published in 2015.

By this Author

What can UN International Day of Peace mean for South Sudan?

Reporting assignment on refugees teaches invaluable lessons

Mercy Sisters share new guidebook for changing views on human trafficking

Presentation Sisters help implement UN sustainable goals at local level

UN moves forward on compacts to manage migration, refugees

Controversy over migration continues to upend European politics

Seeking Refuge: Painful memories, new cultures confront resettled families

Q & A with Sr. Elisabetta Flick, assisting migrants in Sicily

Q & A with Sr. Angela Reed, seeking to address the root causes of human trafficking

UN grapples with updating definitions of 'migrant' and 'refugee'

Seeking Refuge: Global Sisters Report begins special series on refugees

How would foreign policy change if women held the reins of diplomacy?

Amid Haiti's challenges, congregation continues serving those living in poverty

Q & A with Sr. Jean Dolores Schmidt on life returning to normal after the Final Four

Violence begets violence, Catholic sisters say, about airstrikes on Syria

Dominicans, students join global town hall of UN meeting on women

UN women's commission agrees on measures to empower rural women and girls

Q & A with Sr. Joanna Chan, playwright who finds inspiration in the Gospels

Improvements come to Haiti slowly but surely

At UN development meetings, sisters present pathways to eradicate poverty