Founded in 1999 with Passionist Fr. Thomas Berry, this Vermont community strives to be earth conscious and demonstrate an appreciation and reverence of God's creations.
Founded in 1999 with Passionist Fr. Thomas Berry, this Vermont community strives to be earth conscious and demonstrate an appreciation and reverence of God's creations.
In a new book of meditations on God and the Earth, feminist theologian Elizabeth Johnson explores an image of God as lover of creation and concludes that, yes, you will see your pet in heaven.
During an event at the University of Arizona March 18 Tucson Bishop Edward Weisenburger and other Catholics noted the local impact of new federal air quality standards.
A new Wisconsin order, the Franciscan Congregation of Divine Mercy, has established a mission that gently encourages visitors to connect to the Gospel by connecting them to God's creatures.
Servants of Mary the Queen sisters are engaging young learners in public campaigns to raise environmental awareness and end illegal exploitation of Zimbabwe's natural resources.
Receiving the prestigious People's Choice SDGs Award for our regenerative agriculture project was an exceptional experience of communion for us, not only in Kenya, but the entire St. Joseph of Tarbes family.
Insurance expert Stephen Waldorf says that congregations are facing a triple whammy that will make insurance not only far more expensive, but in some cases unavailable. And all of it is driven by climate change.
Pope Francis on Oct. 4 released a new document taking direct aim at climate change deniers and castigating Western nations, particularly the United States, for "irresponsible lifestyle[s]" causing irreparable harm to the planet.
As part of Catholic Sisters Week 2023, the congregation has been sharing examples of their ecological sustainability practices on social media as well as eco-centered prayers and suggestions for ways everyone can live in greater harmony with the rest of creation.