
The woman behind all my success and happiness

Second Sunday of Advent: God's promised future

Reclaim Advent to enhance our celebration of Christmas

We need a childlike simplicity to enter God's kingdom

Israel-Palestine conflict transcends physical borders

My 'left field' prayer experiences

Struggling to make sense of silent prayer in a noisy cosmopolitan city

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe: See through a different lens

You are what you eat: Mindfulness is the way

Giving thanks for those who lived out of love

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Genuine Thanksgiving

Día de Muertos and the altares: Opportunity for reverent remembrance

Remembrance, legacy and our passport to God

All Souls' Day is a day of hope for our final destination

Walking toward Jesus with purpose

The loving act of remembrance

Day of the Dead: A celebration of memory

We all die, but with Jesus we can live in fidelity to God

Anchors in my life allow movement, but keep me from floating too far away

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: The struggle for transformation