Judith Valente is a journalist, poet, retreat guide and author of several spirituality titles, including most recently How To Be: A Monk & A Journalist Reflect on Living & Dying, Purpose & Prayer, Forgiveness & Friendship. She is completing a book on her experiences in Italy.

Mary Lou Nolan joined Global Sisters Report in January 2014 after a career as a reporter and editor at The Kansas City Star. She is a former president of the American Association of Sunday and Feature Editors, now the Society for Features Journalism, and a founding member of the SFJ Foundation. She guided Global Sisters Report through its first two years before retiring in January 2016.

GSR Today - Great news! In its first 24 hours, globalsistersreport.org was viewed in more than 70 countries. What were people reading the most? Sr. Joan Chittisters' column on the strength of the "Global Sisterhood," Sr. Elizabeth Johnson on feminist theology and Chris Herlinger on South Sudan.

Religion of migrants - A new study called Faith on the Move looks at the religious affiliation of international migrants. Though they represent a small percentage of the world’s population, about three percent, international migrants as a group would constitute the fifth largest country in the world, according to the report by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life. That’s a country of 214 million people.

GSR Today - Women are the world’s initial nurturers, early educators, health providers. Given the opportunity for education, especially higher education, they most often seize it, eventually changing the complexion of families, organizations and governments. In so doing they have enriched education, health care and development efforts. Their impact on understanding war, peace and ecology continues to be chronicled.

Carol Stanton, a former television news anchor and reporter, has served the Diocese of Orlando, Florida, as communications director and director of lay ministry formation. She holds a doctorate in theology from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.