
Tools for entering the chaos more important than ever

'Our first work is prayer': the life of contemplative religious institutes

Public associations of the faithful reflect an openness to God's call

God knew I would be mad

Private associations of the faithful bring religious life to laity

My ring told me: Love never fails

A genuinely human Lent

Taizé Pilgrimage of Trust fostered a spirit of community in Cape Town

Truth and transgender lives

Marked by more than ashes

Thirst for water and spiritual growth in Namibia

My approach to Lent this year

Sister's time in health care facility warrants 'thick speech'

Even if you've not been fed, be bread

Movement toward awe through kinship

Love cures the misuse of power

Ursuline Sisters of Thailand exemplify service through interfaith education

Blessings hidden in plain sight

Dear reader: Lead, before 'now' becomes 'memory'

God can emerge in new ways through Teilhard's 'troubled worship'